Cleat Installation Guide

Please watch our installation guide video for detailed information on installing the cleats for the best performance.

Cleat Installation Guide

Please watch our installation guide video for detailed information on installing the cleats for the best performance.

The Myth of the Upstroke

There is a lot of contradictory media surrounding our ability to produce power in the upstroke while clipped in. We investigate the relationship here.

The Myth of the Upstroke

There is a lot of contradictory media surrounding our ability to produce power in the upstroke while clipped in. We investigate the relationship here.

Are Clipless Pedal Dangerous?

Four out of five cyclists have crashed because of clipless pedals. We got started by trying to answer a simple question: what can we do to ride safer?

Are Clipless Pedal Dangerous?

Four out of five cyclists have crashed because of clipless pedals. We got started by trying to answer a simple question: what can we do to ride safer?

Cycling Science

Before we developing our safety performance technology, we researched the biomechanics of cycling and the roles of physiology and technology involved.

Cycling Science

Before we developing our safety performance technology, we researched the biomechanics of cycling and the roles of physiology and technology involved.

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